Tony Ruse is a hometown boy who's come back to make a difference. Raised right here, Tony graduated from Mineral County High School in 1986. He grew up understanding what makes our community special.

After high school, Tony set out to see the world. He spent years traveling and working in Europe and Asia, where he learned how to run successful businesses. This time away taught Tony a lot about how different places solve problems and create opportunities for their people.

But Mineral County was always home in Tony's heart. In 2021, he decided it was time to bring what he'd learned back to where it all started. He returned home with new ideas and a strong desire to help our community grow.

Since coming back, Tony has put his knowledge to work. He bought and fixed up The Bighorn Crossing, creating jobs for local folks and helping to make Walker Lake a place people want to visit. He's showing us how we can build our economy while taking care of the natural beauty we all love.

Now Tony wants to do even more for Mineral County. He's running for County Commissioner because he believes his mix of local know-how and worldly experience can help our community thrive. Tony understands our county's history, and he has good ideas for our future.

With Tony as County Commissioner, we have a chance to bring fresh thinking to our local issues. He wants to attract new opportunities to our area and make Mineral County a place where our children and grandchildren can build better lives.